Out of place
An anal-retentive ghost meets his match when an equally anal-retentive old woman moves in.
This was a hybrid 3D and 2D short film.
Tools & Software: TVPaint, Toonboom, Photoshop, and pencil & paper.
All Rough Animation from "Out of Place"
A collection of rough animation shots I completed from the Senior Capstone film I was apart of called "Out of Place". It also includes additional animation I added when something was missing or redrew the character, Eggmund, on model before going into clean up.
All Clean Up Animation for "Out of Place"
A second collection of shots I did for "Out of Place" exclusively showing the clean up work and the final rendered 3D world that Eggmund the 2D ghost interacted with.
Character Exploration
I did character exploration to test limits of the character and to get used to drawing Eggmund the ghost. This got me used to giving him dimension in a 3D environment and have less trouble with the movement of his bowler hat in the long run. Some gestures were based on iconic characters.

Assets Exploration
I created quick style frames to get a more solid idea of what the interior of the house looks like based on some rough 3D models.

Assets Exploration
During pre-production I created a handful of assets that the 3D models would use as reference for the environment.